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231121_SPRING 1 (5-3) - 공지사항 게시판 과제 본문

대덕인재개발원/대덕인재개발원_웹기반 애플리케이션

231121_SPRING 1 (5-3) - 공지사항 게시판 과제

Unlimited00 2023. 11. 21. 18:57


package kr.or.ddit.vo;

import lombok.Data;

public class NoticeVO {

	private int noticeNo;
	private String noticeTitle;
	private String noticeContent;
	private String noticeWriter;
	private String noticeDate;
	private int noticeHit;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration
  PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Config 3.0//EN"

		<setting name="mapUnderscoreToCamelCase" value="true" />
		<typeAlias type="kr.or.ddit.vo.BoardVO" alias="boardVO" />
		<typeAlias type="kr.or.ddit.vo.PaginationInfoVO" alias="pagingVO" />
		<typeAlias type="kr.or.ddit.vo.FreeVO" alias="freeVO" />
		<typeAlias type="kr.or.ddit.vo.NoticeVO" alias="noticeVO" />



package kr.or.ddit.notice.service;

import java.util.List;

import kr.or.ddit.ServiceResult;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.NoticeVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.PaginationInfoVO;

public interface INoticeService {

	public ServiceResult insertNotice(NoticeVO noticeVO);
	public NoticeVO selectNotice(int noticeNo);
	public ServiceResult updateNotice(NoticeVO noticeVO);
	public ServiceResult deleteNotice(int noticeNo);
	public int selectNoticeCount(PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> pagingVO);
	public List<NoticeVO> selectNoticeList(PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> pagingVO);
	public List<NoticeVO> selectNoticeList_();


package kr.or.ddit.notice.service;

import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import kr.or.ddit.ServiceResult;
import kr.or.ddit.notice.dao.INoticeDAO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.NoticeVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.PaginationInfoVO;

public class NoticeServiceImpl implements INoticeService {

	private INoticeDAO noticeDao;
	public ServiceResult insertNotice(NoticeVO noticeVO) {
		ServiceResult result = null;
		int status = noticeDao.insertNotice(noticeVO);
		if(status > 0) { // 성공
			result = ServiceResult.OK;
		}else { // 실패
			result = ServiceResult.FAILED;
		return result;
	public NoticeVO selectNotice(int noticeNo) {
		// 조회수 증가
		return noticeDao.selectNotice(noticeNo);
	public ServiceResult updateNotice(NoticeVO noticeVO) {
		ServiceResult result = null;
		int status = noticeDao.updateNotice(noticeVO);
		if(status > 0) { // 성공
			result = ServiceResult.OK;
		}else { // 실패
			result = ServiceResult.FAILED;
		return result;
	public ServiceResult deleteNotice(int noticeNo) {
		ServiceResult result = null;
		int status = noticeDao.deleteNotice(noticeNo);
		if(status > 0) { // 성공
			result = ServiceResult.OK;
		}else { // 실패
			result = ServiceResult.FAILED;
		return result;
	public int selectNoticeCount(PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> pagingVO) {
		return noticeDao.selectNoticeCount(pagingVO);
	public List<NoticeVO> selectNoticeList(PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> pagingVO) {
		return noticeDao.selectNoticeList(pagingVO);
	public List<NoticeVO> selectNoticeList_() {
		return noticeDao.selectNoticeList_();


package kr.or.ddit.notice.dao;

import java.util.List;

import kr.or.ddit.vo.NoticeVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.PaginationInfoVO;

public interface INoticeDAO {

	public int insertNotice(NoticeVO noticeVO);
	public void incrementHit(int noticeNo);
	public NoticeVO selectNotice(int noticeNo);
	public int updateNotice(NoticeVO noticeVO);
	public int deleteNotice(int noticeNo);
	public int selectNoticeCount(PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> pagingVO);
	public List<NoticeVO> selectNoticeList(PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> pagingVO);
	public List<NoticeVO> selectNoticeList_();


package kr.or.ddit.notice.dao;

import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import kr.or.ddit.vo.NoticeVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.PaginationInfoVO;

public class NoticeDAOImpl implements INoticeDAO {

	private SqlSessionTemplate sqlSession;
	public int insertNotice(NoticeVO noticeVO) {
		return sqlSession.insert("Notice.insertNotice", noticeVO);
	public void incrementHit(int noticeNo) {
		sqlSession.update("Notice.incrementHit", noticeNo);
	public NoticeVO selectNotice(int noticeNo) {
		return sqlSession.selectOne("Notice.selectNotice", noticeNo);
	public int updateNotice(NoticeVO noticeVO) {
		return sqlSession.update("Notice.updateNotice", noticeVO);
	public int deleteNotice(int noticeNo) {
		return sqlSession.delete("Notice.deleteNotice", noticeNo);
	public int selectNoticeCount(PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> pagingVO) {
		return sqlSession.selectOne("Notice.selectNoticeCount", pagingVO);
	public List<NoticeVO> selectNoticeList(PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> pagingVO) {
		return sqlSession.selectList("Notice.selectNoticeList", pagingVO);
	public List<NoticeVO> selectNoticeList_() {
		return sqlSession.selectList("Notice.selectNoticeList_");


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
  PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="Notice">

	<sql id="noticeSearch">
		<if test="searchType != null and searchType == 'title'">
			and (notice_title like '%' || #{searchWord} || '%')
		<if test="searchType != null and searchType == 'writer'">
			and (notice_writer like '%' || #{searchWord} || '%')

	<insert id="insertNotice" parameterType="noticeVO" useGeneratedKeys="true">
		<selectKey keyProperty="noticeNo" resultType="int" order="BEFORE">
			select seq_notice.nextval from dual
		insert into notice(
			notice_no, notice_title, notice_content, notice_writer, notice_date
			#{noticeNo}, #{noticeTitle}, #{noticeContent}, #{noticeWriter}, sysdate
	<update id="incrementHit" parameterType="int">
		update notice 
			notice_hit = notice_hit + 1 
		where notice_no = #{noticeNo}
	<select id="selectNotice" parameterType="int" resultType="noticeVO">
			notice_no, notice_title, notice_content, notice_writer, notice_date, notice_hit 
		from notice 
		where notice_no = #{noticeNo}
	<update id="updateNotice" parameterType="noticeVO">
		update notice 
			notice_title = #{noticeTitle}, 
			notice_content = #{noticeContent}, 
			notice_date = sysdate 
		where notice_no = #{noticeNo}
	<delete id="deleteNotice" parameterType="int">
		delete from notice 
		where notice_no = #{noticeNo}
	<select id="selectNoticeCount" parameterType="pagingVO" resultType="int">
		select count(notice_no) from notice 
		where 1=1 
		<include refid="noticeSearch" /> 
	<select id="selectNoticeList" parameterType="pagingVO" resultType="noticeVO">
		select b.*
		from (
				a.*, row_number() over (order by a.notice_no desc) rnum
			from (
					notice_no, notice_title, notice_content, notice_writer, notice_date, notice_hit 
				from notice 
				where 1=1 
				<include refid="noticeSearch" /> 
				order by notice_no desc
			) a
		) b
			where b.rnum >= #{startRow} and b.rnum <= #{endRow}
	<select id="selectNoticeList_" resultType="noticeVO">
		select *
		  from (
					notice_no, notice_title, notice_content, notice_writer, notice_date, notice_hit 
				from notice 
		     order by notice_no desc
		where rownum <= 5



package kr.or.ddit.notice.web;

import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

import kr.or.ddit.notice.service.INoticeService;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.NoticeVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.PaginationInfoVO;

public class NoticeRetreiveController {

	private INoticeService noticeService;
	@RequestMapping(value = "/list.do")
	public String noticeList(
				@RequestParam(name="page", required = false, defaultValue = "1") int currentPage, 
				@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "title") String searchType, 
				@RequestParam(required = false) String searchWord,
				Model model) {
		PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> pagingVO = new PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO>();
		// 검색 키워드가 있으면 검색을 한 것으로 기준을 잡는다.
		if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchWord)) {
			model.addAttribute("searchType", searchType);
			model.addAttribute("searchWord", searchWord);
		int totalRecord = noticeService.selectNoticeCount(pagingVO);
		List<NoticeVO> dataList = noticeService.selectNoticeList(pagingVO);
		model.addAttribute("pagingVO", pagingVO);
		return "notice/list";
	@RequestMapping(value = "/detail.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String noticeDetail(int noticeNo, Model model) {
		NoticeVO noticeVO = noticeService.selectNotice(noticeNo);
		model.addAttribute("notice", noticeVO);
		return "notice/view";


package kr.or.ddit.notice.web;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

import kr.or.ddit.ServiceResult;
import kr.or.ddit.notice.service.INoticeService;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.FreeVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.NoticeVO;

public class NoticeModifyController {

	private INoticeService noticeService;
	@RequestMapping(value = "/update.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String noticeUpdateForm(int noticeNo, Model model) {
		NoticeVO noticeVO = noticeService.selectNotice(noticeNo);
		model.addAttribute("notice", noticeVO);
		model.addAttribute("status", "u");
		return "notice/form";
	@RequestMapping(value = "/update.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
	public String noticeUpdate(NoticeVO noticeVO, Model model) {
		String goPage = "";
		ServiceResult result = noticeService.updateNotice(noticeVO);
		if(result.equals(ServiceResult.OK)) { // 수정 성공
			goPage = "redirect:/notice/detail.do?noticeNo=" + noticeVO.getNoticeNo();
		}else { // 수정 실패
			model.addAttribute("notice", noticeVO);
			model.addAttribute("status", "u");
			goPage = "notice/form";
		return goPage;
	@RequestMapping(value = "/delete.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
	public String deleteNotice(int noticeNo, Model model) {
		String goPage = "";
		ServiceResult result = noticeService.deleteNotice(noticeNo);
		if(result.equals(ServiceResult.OK)) { // 삭제 성공
			goPage = "redirect:/notice/list.do";
		}else {
			goPage = "redirect:/notice/detail.do?noticeNo=" + noticeNo;
		return goPage;


package kr.or.ddit.notice.web;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

import kr.or.ddit.ServiceResult;
import kr.or.ddit.notice.service.INoticeService;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.NoticeVO;

public class NoticeInsertController {

	private INoticeService noticeService;
	@RequestMapping(value = "/form.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String noticeForm() {
		return "notice/form";
	@RequestMapping(value = "/insert.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
	public String noticeInsert(NoticeVO noticeVO, Model model) {
		String goPage = "";
		Map<String, String> errors = new HashMap<String, String>();
		if(StringUtils.isBlank(noticeVO.getNoticeTitle())) {
			errors.put("noticeTitle", "제목을 입력해 주세요!");
		if(StringUtils.isBlank(noticeVO.getNoticeContent())) {
			errors.put("noticeContent", "내용을 입력해 주세요!");
		if(errors.size() > 0) { // 에러가 있음
			model.addAttribute("notice", noticeVO);
			model.addAttribute("errors", errors);
			goPage = "notice/form"; // 포워딩
		}else { // 에러가 없는 정상적인 데이터 입력
			ServiceResult result = noticeService.insertNotice(noticeVO);
			if(result.equals(ServiceResult.OK)) {
				goPage = "redirect:/notice/detail.do?noticeNo=" + noticeVO.getNoticeNo();
			}else {
				model.addAttribute("notice", noticeVO);
				model.addAttribute("message", "서버 에러, 다시 시도해 주세요!");
				goPage = "notice/form"; // 포워딩
		return goPage;


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                                    </svg> 일반게시판
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                <h4 class="display-4 fw-normal">공지사항게시판</h4>
                <p class="lead fw-normal">공지사항게시판 CRUD를 작성해주세요.</p>
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                            <form method="post" action="/notice/insert.do" id="boardForm" name="boardForm" class="form-horizontal">
                                <c:if test="${status eq 'u' }">
	                            	<input type="hidden" name="noticeNo" value="${notice.noticeNo }" />
                                <div class="form-group row">
                                    <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">제목</label>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <input id="noticeTitle" name="noticeTitle" type="text" class="form-control" value="${notice.noticeTitle }" placeholder="subject">
                                    <font color="red" style="font-size: 12px;">${errors.noticeTitle }</font>
                                <div class="form-group row mt-4">
                                    <label class="col-sm-2 control-label">내용</label>
                                    <div class="col-sm-10">
                                        <textarea id="noticeContent" name="noticeContent" cols="50" rows="5" class="form-control" placeholder="content">${notice.noticeContent }</textarea>
                                    <font color="red" style="font-size: 12px;">${errors.noticeContent }</font>
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                                        	<input type="button" value="목록" class="btn btn-success float-right" id="listBtn">
                <div class="col-md-12"><br /><br /><br /></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
		CKEDITOR.replace("noticeContent"); // CKEDITOR를 textarea에 등록
		var addBtn = $("#addBtn"); // 등록 버튼
		var cancelBtn = $("#cancelBtn"); // 취소 버튼
		var listBtn = $("#listBtn"); // 목록 버튼
		var noticeTitle = $("#noticeTitle");
		var noticeContent = $("#noticeContent");
		var boardForm = $("#boardForm"); // 등록 form
		// 등록 버튼 이벤트
		addBtn.on("click", function(){
			var title = noticeTitle.val(); // 제목 데이터
			// CKEDITOR를 사용해서 데이터를 가져와야 할 때 사용하는 방법(editor 사용 시)
			var content = CKEDITOR.instances.noticeContent.getData(); // 내용 데이터
			// 제목을 입력하지 않았을 때 발생할 이벤트
			if(!title) {
				alert("제목을 입력해주세요!");
				return false;
			// 내용을 입력하지 않았을 때 발생할 이벤트
			if(!content) {
				alert("내용을 입력해주세요!");
				return false;
			// 수정일 때, 경로를 변경한다. (기존은 등록 경로로 설정되어 있음)
			if($(this).val() == "수정"){
				boardForm.attr("action", "/notice/update.do");
		// 취소 버튼 이벤트
		cancelBtn.on("click", function(){
			location.href = "/notice/detail.do?noticeNo=${notice.noticeNo}";
		// 목록 버튼 이벤트
		listBtn.on("click", function(){
			location.href = "/notice/list.do";


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insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목11', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
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	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목73', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목74', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목75', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목76', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목77', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목78', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목79', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목80', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목11', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목12', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목13', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목14', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목15', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목16', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목17', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목18', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목19', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목21', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목22', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목23', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목24', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목25', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목26', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목27', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목28', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목29', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목30', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목31', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목32', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목33', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목34', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목35', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목36', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목37', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목38', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목39', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목40', '내용', 'a002', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목41', '내용', 'a003', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목42', '내용', 'a003', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목43', '내용', 'a003', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목44', '내용', 'a003', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목45', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목46', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목47', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목48', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목49', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목50', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목51', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목52', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목53', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목54', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목55', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목56', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목57', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목58', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목59', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목60', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목61', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목62', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목63', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목64', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목65', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목66', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목67', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목68', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목69', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목70', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목71', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목72', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목73', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목74', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목75', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목76', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목77', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목78', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목79', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);
	insert into notice values (seq_notice.nextval, '제목80', '내용', 'c001', sysdate, 0);


package kr.or.ddit.main.web;

import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

import kr.or.ddit.board.service.IBoardService;
import kr.or.ddit.free.service.IFreeService;
import kr.or.ddit.notice.service.INoticeService;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.BoardVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.FreeVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.NoticeVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.PaginationInfoVO;

public class MainController {
	private IBoardService boardService;
	private IFreeService freeService;
	private INoticeService noticeService;

	@RequestMapping(value = { "/", "/main.do" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String main(Model model) {
		PaginationInfoVO<BoardVO> boardPagingVO = new PaginationInfoVO<BoardVO>();
		List<BoardVO> boardList5 = boardService.selectBoardList_();
		int boardTotalRecord = boardService.selectBoardCount(boardPagingVO);
		model.addAttribute("boardList5", boardList5);
		model.addAttribute("boardTotalRecord", boardTotalRecord);	
		PaginationInfoVO<FreeVO> freePagingVO = new PaginationInfoVO<FreeVO>();
		List<FreeVO> freeList5 = freeService.selectFreeList_();
		int freeTotalRecord = freeService.selectFreeCount(freePagingVO);
		model.addAttribute("freeList5", freeList5);
		model.addAttribute("freeTotalRecord", freeTotalRecord);
		PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO> noticePagingVO = new PaginationInfoVO<NoticeVO>();
		List<NoticeVO> noticeList5 = noticeService.selectNoticeList_();
		int noticeTotalRecord = noticeService.selectNoticeCount(noticePagingVO);
		model.addAttribute("noticeList5", noticeList5);
		model.addAttribute("noticeTotalRecord", noticeTotalRecord);
		return "main";


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                                        <use xlink:href="#home" />
                                    </svg> Home
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        <div class="position-relative overflow-hidden p-3 p-md-8 m-md-8 text-center bg-white">
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                <h1 class="display-4 fw-normal">게시판 작성 연습</h1>
                <p class="lead fw-normal">Spring framework를 이용한 게시판 CRUD Example</p>
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        <div class="container">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <div align="left">
                        <h5>일반 게시판</h5>
                    <div align="right">
                        <span class="badge bg-dark-subtle border border-dark-subtle text-dark-emphasis rounded-pill">전체 ${boardTotalRecord }건</span>
                    <form action="" method="post">
                        <div style="padding-top: 50px">
                            <table class="table">
                                <tr class="table-dark">
                                	<c:when test="${empty boardList5 }">
		                                    <td colspan="3">조회하신 게시글이 존재하지 않습니다.</td>
                                		<c:forEach items="${boardList5 }" var="board">
			                                    <td>${board.boNo }</td>
			                                    	<a href="/board/detail.do?boNo=${board.boNo }">${board.boTitle }</a>
			                                    <td>${board.boDate }</td>
                    <a href="/board/list.do" class="btn btn-outline-primary">&laquo;더보기</a>
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <div align="left">
                    <div align="right">
                        <span class="badge bg-dark-subtle border border-dark-subtle text-dark-emphasis rounded-pill">전체 ${noticeTotalRecord }건</span>
                    <form action="" method="post">
                        <div style="padding-top: 50px">
                            <table class="table">
                                <tr class="table-dark">
                                	<c:when test="${empty noticeList5 }">
		                                    <td colspan="3">조회하신 게시글이 존재하지 않습니다.</td>
                                		<c:forEach items="${noticeList5 }" var="notice">
			                                    <td>${notice.noticeNo }</td>
			                                    	<a href="/notice/detail.do?noticeNo=${notice.noticeNo }">${notice.noticeTitle }</a>
			                                    <td>${notice.noticeDate }</td>
                    <a href="/notice/list.do" class="btn btn-outline-primary">&laquo;더보기</a>
            <br />
            <div class="row">
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                        <h5>자유 게시판</h5>
                    <div align="right">
                        <span class="badge bg-dark-subtle border border-dark-subtle text-dark-emphasis rounded-pill">전체 ${freeTotalRecord }건</span>
                    <form action="" method="post">
                        <div style="padding-top: 50px">
                            <table class="table">
                                <tr class="table-dark">
                                	<c:when test="${empty freeList5 }">
		                                    <td colspan="3">조회하신 게시글이 존재하지 않습니다.</td>
                                		<c:forEach items="${freeList5 }" var="free">
			                                    <td>${free.freeNo }</td>
			                                    	<a href="/free/detail.do?freeNo=${free.freeNo }">${free.freeTitle }</a>
			                                    <td>${free.freeDate }</td>
                    <a href="/free/list.do" class="btn btn-outline-primary">&laquo;더보기</a>
                <div class="col-md-6"></div>
            <br />


- http://localhost/main.do