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231216_SPRING CRUD 보강 1 본문

대덕인재개발원_웹기반 애플리케이션

231216_SPRING CRUD 보강 1

Unlimited00 2023. 12. 15. 16:56

-- 2023.12.16(토) 보강 
-- 회원 및 게시판, 파일 테이블

DROP TABLE member;
DROP TABLE boardfile;

DROP SEQUENCE seq_member;
DROP SEQUENCE seq_board;
DROP SEQUENCE seq_boardfile;

-- 회원 테이블 작성 쿼리
create table member(
    mem_no number(8) not null,
    mem_id varchar2(150) not null,
    mem_pw varchar2(150) not null,
    mem_name varchar2(150) not null,
    mem_nickname varchar2(300) not null,
    mem_regdate date not null,
    constraint pk_member primary key(mem_no)

-- 회원 sequence 작성 쿼리
create sequence seq_member increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;

-- 게시판 테이블 작성 쿼리
create table board(
    bo_no number(8) not null,
    bo_title varchar2(300) not null,
    bo_content varchar2(4000) not null,
    bo_writer varchar2(150) not null,
    bo_date date not null,
    bo_hit number(8) default 0 null,
    constraint pk_board primary key(bo_no)

-- 게시판 sequence 작성 쿼리
create sequence seq_board increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;

-- 게시판 파일 테이블 작성 쿼리
create table boardfile(
    file_no number(8) not null,
    bo_no number(8) not null,
    file_name varchar2(300) not null,
    file_size number(20) not null,
    file_fancysize varchar2(100) not null,
    file_mime varchar2(100) not null,
    file_savepath varchar2(400) not null,
    file_downcount number(8) not null,
    constraint pk_boardfile primary key(file_no),
    constraint fk_noticefile_bo_no foreign key(bo_no) references board(bo_no)

create sequence seq_boardfile increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;







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