Unlimited00 2023. 12. 1. 14:00

* CRUD 연습

- http://localhost/board/tag/list.do

- http://localhost/board/tag/detail.do

- http://localhost/board/tag/form.do

-- TagVO를 활용한 Board CRUD 연습
-- 게시판 테이블 작성
create table tagboard(                                             
	bo_no number(8) not null,                                       
	bo_title varchar2(300) not null,                                
	bo_content varchar2(4000) not null,                             
	bo_writer varchar2(300) not null,                               
	bo_date date not null,                                          
	bo_hit number(8) not null,                                      
	constraint pk_tagboard primary key(bo_no)                      
create sequence seq_tagboard increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;  

-- 태그 테이블 작성
create table tag(
	bo_no number(8) not null,
	tag varchar2(300) not null,
	constraint fk_tagboard_bo_no foreign key(bo_no) references tagboard(bo_no)


package kr.or.ddit.vo.test;

import java.util.List;

import lombok.Data;

public class TagBoardVO {
	private int boNo;
	private String boTitle;
	private String boContent;
	private String boWriter;
	private String boDate;
	private int boHit;
	private List<TagVO> tagList;
	private String tag;
	private String searchType;
	private String searchWord;


package kr.or.ddit.vo.test;

import lombok.Data;

public class TagVO {
	private int boNo;
	private String tagName;


package kr.or.ddit.controller.test.web;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.support.RedirectAttributes;

import kr.or.ddit.ServiceResult;
import kr.or.ddit.controller.test.ITestService;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.test.TagBoardVO;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

public class TagBoardController {

	private ITestService service;
	// 태그 게시판 목록 
	@RequestMapping(value="/list.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String tagList(
			@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "title") String searchType, 
			@RequestParam(required = false) String searchWord, 
			Model model
			) {
		// 검색 기능
		// 검색을 했을 때의 조건은 키워드(searchWord)가 넘어왔을 때 정확하게 검색을 진행한 것이므로
		// 이 때, 검색을 진행하기 위한 타입과 키워드를 TagBoardVO에 셋팅하고 목록을 조회해야 함.
		TagBoardVO tagboard = new TagBoardVO();
		if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchWord)) {
		List<TagBoardVO> tagboardList = service.list(tagboard);
		model.addAttribute("tagboardList", tagboardList);
		model.addAttribute("tagboard", tagboard);
		return "test/list";
	// 태그 게시판 등록
	@RequestMapping(value="/form.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String tagRegisterForm() {
		return "test/form";
	@RequestMapping(value="/form.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
	public String tagRegister(
			TagBoardVO tagboard, 
			Model model, 
			RedirectAttributes ra
			) {
		String goPage = "";
		Map<String, String> errors = new HashMap<String, String>();
		if(StringUtils.isBlank(tagboard.getBoTitle())) {
			errors.put("boTitle", "제목을 입력해주세요.");
		if(StringUtils.isBlank(tagboard.getBoContent())) {
			errors.put("boContent", "내용을 입력해주세요.");
		if(errors.size() > 0) {
			model.addAttribute("errors", errors);
			model.addAttribute("tagboard", tagboard);
			goPage = "test/form";
		} else {
			ServiceResult result = service.register(tagboard);
			if(result.equals(ServiceResult.OK)) {
				goPage = "redirect:/board/tag/list.do";
				ra.addFlashAttribute("message", "게시글 등록이 완료되었습니다.");
			}else {
				model.addAttribute("tagboard", tagboard);
				model.addAttribute("message", "서버 에러, 다시 시도해 주세요!");
				goPage = "test/form";
		return goPage;
	// 태그 게시판 상세 화면
	@RequestMapping(value="/detail.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String tagDetail(int boNo, Model model) {
		service.incrementHit(boNo); // 게시글 조회수 증가
		TagBoardVO tagboard = service.read(boNo); // 게시글 정보에 해당하는 게시글 정보 가져오기
		model.addAttribute("tagboard", tagboard);
		return "test/detail";
	// 태그 게시판 수정
	@RequestMapping(value="/modify.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String tagModifyForm(int boNo, Model model) {
		TagBoardVO tagboard = service.read(boNo);
		model.addAttribute("tagboard", tagboard);
		model.addAttribute("status", "u"); // '수정입니다' flag
		return "test/form";
	@RequestMapping(value="/modify.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
	public String tagModify(
			TagBoardVO tagboard, 
			Model model, 
			RedirectAttributes ra
			) {
		log.info("수정 기능 메서드에 진입했습니다.");
		String goPage = "";
		ServiceResult result = service.modify(tagboard);
		if(result.equals(ServiceResult.OK)) { // 수정 성공
			goPage = "redirect:/board/tag/detail.do?boNo=" + tagboard.getBoNo();
			ra.addFlashAttribute("message", "게시글 수정이 완료되었습니다!");
		}else {  // 수정 실패
			model.addAttribute("tagboard", tagboard);
			model.addAttribute("message", "수정에 실패했습니다!");
			model.addAttribute("status", "u");
			goPage = "test/form";
		return goPage;
	// 태그 게시판 삭제
	@RequestMapping(value = "/delete.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
	public String tagDelete(int boNo, Model model, RedirectAttributes ra) {
		String goPage = "";
		ServiceResult result = service.delete(boNo);
		if(result.equals(ServiceResult.OK)) { // 삭제 성공
			goPage = "redirect:/board/tag/list.do";
			ra.addFlashAttribute("message", "게시글 삭제가 완료되었습니다!");
		}else { // 삭제 실패
			goPage = "redirect:/board/tag/detail.do?boNo=" + boNo;
			ra.addFlashAttribute("message", "게시글 삭제에 실패했습니다!");
		return goPage;


package kr.or.ddit.controller.test;

import java.util.List;

import kr.or.ddit.ServiceResult;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.test.TagBoardVO;

public interface ITestService {

	public ServiceResult register(TagBoardVO tagboard);
	public List<TagBoardVO> list(TagBoardVO tagboard);
	public void incrementHit(int boNo);
	public TagBoardVO read(int boNo);
	public ServiceResult modify(TagBoardVO tagboard);
	public ServiceResult delete(int boNo);



package kr.or.ddit.controller.test.service;

import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import kr.or.ddit.ServiceResult;
import kr.or.ddit.controller.test.ITestService;
import kr.or.ddit.mapper.ITestMapper;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.test.TagBoardVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.test.TagVO;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

public class TestServiceImpl implements ITestService {

	private ITestMapper mapper;
	public ServiceResult register(TagBoardVO tagboard) {
		ServiceResult result = null;
		// 게시글 1개를 등록
		int status = mapper.create(tagboard);
		// 여러 개의 태그를 등록
		String tag = tagboard.getTag();
		String[] tagList = tag.split(" ");
		for(int i = 0; i < tagList.length; i++) {
			TagVO tagVO = new TagVO();
			String tagVal = tagList[i];
			log.info("tagVal : " + tagVal);
		if(status > 0) {
			result = ServiceResult.OK;
		}else {
			result = ServiceResult.FAILED;
		return result;

	public List<TagBoardVO> list(TagBoardVO tagboard) {
		return mapper.list(tagboard);
	public void incrementHit(int boNo) {

	public TagBoardVO read(int boNo) {
		return mapper.read(boNo);

	public ServiceResult modify(TagBoardVO tagboard) {
		ServiceResult result = null;
		// 1) 게시판 글 수정
		int status = mapper.modify(tagboard);
		// 2) 태그를 수정
		//		-> 게시판 번호에 대한 태그를 모두 삭제
		int boNo = tagboard.getBoNo();
		//		-> 새롭게 수정될 태그들을 insert
		String tag = tagboard.getTag();
		String[] tagList = tag.split(" ");
		for(int i = 0; i < tagList.length; i++) {
			TagVO tagVO = new TagVO();
			String tagVal = tagList[i];
		if(status > 0) {
			result = ServiceResult.OK;
		}else {
			result = ServiceResult.FAILED;
		return result;

	public ServiceResult delete(int boNo) {
		ServiceResult result = null;
		mapper.deleteTag(boNo); // 태그를 먼저 삭제
		int status = mapper.delete(boNo); // 게시글을 삭제
		if(status > 0) {
			result = ServiceResult.OK;
		}else {
			result = ServiceResult.FAILED;
		return result;



package kr.or.ddit.mapper;

import java.util.List;

import kr.or.ddit.vo.test.TagBoardVO;
import kr.or.ddit.vo.test.TagVO;

public interface ITestMapper {

	public int create(TagBoardVO tagboard);
	public void createTag(TagVO tagVO);
	public List<TagBoardVO> list(TagBoardVO tagboard);
	public void incrementHit(int boNo);
	public TagBoardVO read(int boNo);
	public int modify(TagBoardVO tagboard);
	public void deleteTag(int boNo);
	public int delete(int boNo);



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
  PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="kr.or.ddit.mapper.ITestMapper">
	<resultMap type="tagboardVO" id="tagboardMap">
		<id property="boNo" column="bo_no" />
		<result property="boNo" column="bo_no" />
		<result property="boTitle" column="bo_title" />
		<result property="boContent" column="bo_content" />
		<result property="boWriter" column="bo_writer" />
		<result property="boDate" column="bo_date" />
		<result property="boHit" column="bo_hit" />
		<collection property="tagList" resultMap="tagMap" />
	<resultMap type="tagVO" id="tagMap">
		<result property="boNo" column="bo_no" />
		<result property="tagName" column="tag" />
	<sql id="tagSearch">
		<if test="searchType != null and searchType == 'title'">
			and (bo_title like '%' || #{searchWord} || '%')
		<if test="searchType != null and searchType == 'writer'">
			and (bo_writer like '%' || #{searchWord} || '%')
		<if test="searchType != null and searchType == 'both'">
			and (bo_title like '%' || #{searchWord} || '%')
			and (bo_writer like '%' || #{searchWord} || '%')
	<insert id="create" parameterType="tagboardVO" useGeneratedKeys="true">
		<selectKey keyProperty="boNo" resultType="int" order="BEFORE">
			select seq_tagboard.nextval from dual
		insert into tagboard (
			bo_no, bo_title, bo_content, bo_writer, bo_date, bo_hit
		) values (
			#{boNo}, #{boTitle}, #{boContent}, #{boWriter}, sysdate, 0
	<insert id="createTag" parameterType="tagVO">
		insert into tag (
			bo_no, tag
		) values (
			#{boNo}, #{tagName}
	<select id="list" resultType="tagboardVO">
			bo_no, bo_title, bo_content, bo_writer, bo_date, bo_hit
		from tagboard 
		where 1=1
		<include refid="tagSearch" />
		order by bo_no desc 
	<select id="read" parameterType="int" resultMap="tagboardMap">
			tb.bo_no, bo_title, bo_content, bo_writer, bo_date, bo_hit, 
		from tagboard tb left outer join tag ta on(tb.bo_no = ta.bo_no) 
		where tb.bo_no = #{boNo}
	<update id="modify" parameterType="tagboardVO">
		update tagboard 
			bo_title = #{boTitle},
			bo_content = #{boContent},
			bo_date = sysdate 
		where bo_no = #{boNo}
	<delete id="deleteTag" parameterType="int">
		delete from tag 
		where bo_no = #{boNo}
	<delete id="delete" parameterType="int">
		delete from tagboard 
		where bo_no = #{boNo}
	<update id="incrementHit" parameterType="int">
		update tagboard 
			bo_hit = bo_hit + 1 
		where bo_no = #{boNo}


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                    <h1 class="fw-light">DDIT 목록</h1>
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            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12">
                    <form class="row g-3 mb-3">
                        <div class="row">
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                                	<form method="post" id="searchForm" name="searchForm">
	                                    <div class="col-md-4">
	                                        <select class="form-select" id="searchType" name="searchType">
	                                            <option value="title" <c:if test="${tagboard.searchType eq 'title' }">selected</c:if>>제목</option>
	                                            <option value="writer" <c:if test="${tagboard.searchType eq 'writer' }">selected</c:if>>작성자</option>
	                                            <option value="both" <c:if test="${tagboard.searchType eq 'both' }">selected</c:if>>제목+작성자</option>
	                                    <div class="col-md-5">
	                                        <label for="inputPassword2" class="visually-hidden">키워드</label>
	                                        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="searchWord" name="searchWord" placeholder="검색 키워드" value="${tagboard.searchWord }">
	                                    <div class="col-md-3">
	                                        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-dark">검색하기</button>
                    <table class="table">
                        <thead class="table-dark">
                                <th scope="col" width="8%">번호</th>
                                <th scope="col">제목</th>
                                <th scope="col" width="14%">작성자</th>
                                <th scope="col" width="16%">작성일</th>
                                <th scope="col" width="8%">조회수</th>
                        		<c:when test="${empty tagboardList }">
		                                <td colspan="5">조회하신 게시글이 존재하지 않습니다.</td>
                        			<c:forEach items="${tagboardList }" var="tagboard">
			                                <td>${tagboard.boNo }</td>
			                                <a href="/board/tag/detail.do?boNo=${tagboard.boNo }">
			                                	${tagboard.boTitle }
			                                <td>${tagboard.boWriter }</td>
			                                <td>${tagboard.boDate }</td>
			                                <td>${tagboard.boHit }</td>
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	<c:set value="등록" var="name" />
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        <section class="py-1 text-center container">
            <form class="album py-1 bg-light" action="/board/tag/form.do" method="post" id="dditboard" name="dditboard">
            	<c:if test="${status eq 'u' }">
               		<input type="hidden" name="boNo" value="${tagboard.boNo }" />
                <div class="">
                    <div class="container">
                        <div class="card-body">
                            <div class="input-group input-group-lg">
                                <span class="input-group-text" id="inputGroup-sizing-lg">제목</span>
                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="boTitle" name="boTitle" value="${tagboard.boTitle }" />
                            <div class="input-group input-group-lg">
                                <span class="input-group-text" id="inputGroup-sizing-lg">내용</span>
                                <textarea class="form-control" aria-label="With textarea" rows="12" id="boContent" name="boContent" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">${tagboard.boContent }</textarea>
                            <div class="input-group input-group-lg">
                                <span class="input-group-text" id="inputGroup-sizing-lg">태그</span>
                                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="tag" name="tag" value="" />
                        <div class="card-footer" align="right">
                            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="registerBtn">${name }</button>
                            <c:if test="${status ne 'u' }">
                            	<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" id="listBtn">목록</button>
                            <c:if test="${status eq 'u' }">
                            	<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" id="cancelBtn">취소</button>
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<script type="text/javascript">
		var dditboard = $("#dditboard"); // form
		var registerBtn = $("#registerBtn");
		var listBtn = $("#listBtn");
		var cancelBtn = $("#cancelBtn");
		registerBtn.on("click", function(){
			var boTitle = $("#boTitle").val();
			var boContent = $("#boContent").val();
			var tag = $("#tag").val();
				alert("제목을 입력해 주세요!");
				return false;
				alert("내용을 입력해 주세요!");
				return false;
				alert("태그을 입력해 주세요!");
				return false;
			if($(this).text() == "수정") {
				dditboard.attr("action", "/board/tag/modify.do");
		listBtn.on("click", function(){
			location.href = "/board/tag/list.do";
		cancelBtn.on("click", function(){
			location.href = "/board/tag/detail.do?boNo=${tagboard.boNo }";


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                    <h1 class="fw-light">DDIT 상세보기</h1>
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                    <div class="card">
                        <div class="card-header">${tagboard.boTitle }</div>
                        <div class="card-body">${tagboard.boWriter } ${tagboard.boDate } ${tagboard.boHit }</div>
                        <div class="card-body">
                        	<p style="white-space: pre-wrap;">${tagboard.boContent }</p>
                        <div class="card-body">
                        	<c:forEach items="${tagboard.tagList }" var="tag">
                        		<span class="badge bg-success">${tag.tagName }</span>
                        <%-- ${tagboard.tagList[0].tagName } --%>
                        <form action="/board/tag/delete.do" id="delForm" name="delForm" method="post">
							<input type="hidden" name="boNo" value="${tagboard.boNo }" />
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		modifyBtn.on("click", function(){
			delForm.attr("action", "/board/tag/modify.do");
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- http://localhost/board/tag/list.do

- http://localhost/board/tag/form.do

- http://localhost/board/tag/detail.do?boNo=20

- http://localhost/board/tag/detail.do?boNo=24

- http://localhost/board/tag/modify.do?boNo=24

- http://localhost/board/tag/detail.do?boNo=24

- http://localhost/board/tag/detail.do?boNo=20

20번 글이 없어졌다.

제목 검색
작성자 검색
제목+작성자 검색

* 데이터 정합성도 잘 유지하고 있다...