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(15) Oracle SQL 쿼리문 본문
1. 회원 테이블
drop table members;
drop sequence seq_members;
create table members (
mem_no number(8) not null,
mem_id varchar2(100) not null,
mem_pw varchar2(100) not null,
mem_name varchar2(100) not null,
mem_gender varchar2(30) not null,
mem_email varchar2(150) not null,
mem_phone varchar2(150) not null,
mem_postcode varchar2(30) not null,
mem_address1 varchar2(300) not null,
mem_address2 varchar2(300) not null,
mem_profileimg varchar2(4000) null,
grade_code varchar2(5), -- NOR01, VIP01
enabled varchar2(2) not null, -- 1: 활성화, 0: 회원 탈퇴, 2: 휴면 회원
mem_category varchar2(2) not null, -- 01: 사용자, 02: 중간 관리자, 03: 관리자
mem_regdate date not null,
mem_agedate varchar2(10) not null,
constraint pk_members primary key(mem_id)
create sequence seq_members
start with 1
increment by 1
nomaxvalue nocache;
select 'private ' ||
decode(lower(data_type), 'number', 'int ', 'String ') ||
lower(column_name) || ';'
from cols
where lower(table_name) = 'members';
INSERT INTO members (mem_no, mem_id, mem_pw, mem_name, mem_gender, mem_email, mem_phone, mem_postcode, mem_address1, mem_address2, mem_profileimg, grade_code, enabled, mem_category, mem_regdate, mem_agedate)
VALUES (seq_members.nextval, 'user1', 'password1', '홍길동', 'M', '', '010-1234-5678', '12345', '서울시 강남구', '아파트 101호', null, 'NOR01', '1', '01', TO_DATE('2023-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), '2023-01-01');
INSERT INTO members (mem_no, mem_id, mem_pw, mem_name, mem_gender, mem_email, mem_phone, mem_postcode, mem_address1, mem_address2, mem_profileimg, grade_code, enabled, mem_category, mem_regdate, mem_agedate)
VALUES (seq_members.nextval, 'user2', 'password2', '이영희', 'F', '', '010-9876-5432', '54321', '서울시 강동구', '아파트 202호', null, 'SIL01', '1', '02', TO_DATE('2023-02-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), '2023-02-01');
INSERT INTO members (mem_no, mem_id, mem_pw, mem_name, mem_gender, mem_email, mem_phone, mem_postcode, mem_address1, mem_address2, mem_profileimg, grade_code, enabled, mem_category, mem_regdate, mem_agedate)
VALUES (seq_members.nextval, 'user3', 'password3', '김철수', 'M', '', '010-5555-7890', '67890', '서울시 강서구', '아파트 303호', null, 'GOL01', '1', '01', TO_DATE('2023-03-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), '2023-03-01');
INSERT INTO members (mem_no, mem_id, mem_pw, mem_name, mem_gender, mem_email, mem_phone, mem_postcode, mem_address1, mem_address2, mem_profileimg, grade_code, enabled, mem_category, mem_regdate, mem_agedate)
VALUES (seq_members.nextval, 'user4', 'password4', '박영희', 'F', '', '010-4444-0123', '98765', '서울시 관악구', '아파트 404호', null, 'PLT01', '1', '02', TO_DATE('2023-04-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), '2023-04-01');
INSERT INTO members (mem_no, mem_id, mem_pw, mem_name, mem_gender, mem_email, mem_phone, mem_postcode, mem_address1, mem_address2, mem_profileimg, grade_code, enabled, mem_category, mem_regdate, mem_agedate)
VALUES (seq_members.nextval, 'user5', 'password5', '이철수', 'M', '', '010-1111-3333', '23456', '서울시 구로구', '아파트 505호', null, 'NOR01', '1', '01', TO_DATE('2023-05-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), '2023-05-01');
select * from members;
2. 공지사항 게시판 테이블
-- 공지사항 게시판 SQL
drop table notice;
drop sequence seq_notice;
drop table noticefile;
drop sequence seq_noticefile;
create table notice(
bo_no number(8) not null,
bo_title VARCHAR2(300) not null,
bo_content VARCHAR2(4000) not null,
bo_writer VARCHAR2(150) not null,
bo_date date not null,
bo_hit number(8) DEFAULT 0 null,
bo_impor VARCHAR2(2) null, -- Y, N
create sequence seq_notice increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;
create table noticefile(
file_no number(8) not null,
bo_no number(8) not null,
file_name VARCHAR2(300) not null,
file_size number(20) not null,
file_fancysize VARCHAR2(100) not null,
file_mime VARCHAR2(100) not null,
file_savepath VARCHAR2(2000) not null,
file_downcount number(8) not null,
CONSTRAINT pk_noticefile PRIMARY KEY(file_no),
CONSTRAINT fk_noticefile_bo_no foreign key(bo_no) references notice(bo_no)
create sequence seq_noticefile increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;
v_user_id VARCHAR2(10) := '관리자';
FOR i IN 1..100 LOOP
INSERT INTO notice(bo_no, bo_title, bo_content, bo_writer, bo_date, bo_hit)
'제목' || TO_CHAR(i),
'내용' || TO_CHAR(i),
-- 이전글/다음글 조회 쿼리
<select id="prevNextInfo" parameterType="int" resultType="noticeVO">
select a.*
select bo_no, bo_title, bo_writer, bo_date, bo_hit, 'prev' as "prevnext_flag", row_number() over (order by bo_no desc) rnum from notice
where bo_no < ${boNo}
) a
where a.rnum = 1
select a.*
select bo_no, bo_title, bo_writer, bo_date, bo_hit, 'next' as "prevnext_flag", row_number() over (order by bo_no asc) rnum from notice
where bo_no > ${boNo}
) a
where a.rnum = 1
3. 여행 정보 테이블
-- 여행 정보 테이블 생성
drop table journeyinfo;
drop sequence seq_journeyinfo;
create table journeyinfo (
info_no number(8) not null, -- 테이블 번호, 자동 증가
info_name varchar2(500) not null, -- 지역명(한글)
info_engname varchar2(500) not null, -- 지역명(영어)
info_description varchar2(4000) not null, -- 지역 설명
info_flightyn varchar2(20) null, -- 항공 여부
info_flight varchar2(20) null, -- 직항/왕복 기록
info_flighttime varchar2(500) null, -- 항공 소요 시간
info_visayn varchar2(20) null, -- 비자 여부
info_visaexp varchar2(20) null, -- 비자/무비자 기록
info_visatime varchar2(500) null, -- 비자 유효 기간
info_voltage varchar2(20) not null, -- 전압 110V/220V 기록
info_timedifer varchar2(500) not null, -- 한국 대비 시차 기록
info_previewimg varchar2(4000) null, -- 여행 정보 미리보기 사진
info_regdate date not null,
constraint pk_journeyinfo primary key(info_no)
create sequence seq_journeyinfo increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;
select 'private ' ||
decode(lower(data_type), 'number', 'int ', 'String ') ||
lower(column_name) || ';'
from cols
where lower(table_name) = 'journeyinfo';
4. 포인트 결제 내역
-- 포인트 결제 내역
CREATE TABLE pointpayment (
poing_account NUMBER NULL,
point_date DATE NOT NULL,
poing_type VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
point_content VARCHAR2(1000) NULL,
mem_id VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL
create sequence seq_pointpayment increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;
5. qna 게시판 테이블
-- qna 게시판 메뉴 테이블
create table qnamenu (
menu_id varchar2(30) not null, -- 메뉴 ID
menu_lower varchar2(30) null, -- 하위 메뉴 ID
menu_div varchar2(10) not null, -- 메뉴 구분 (사용자 : U, 관리자 : A)
menu_order number(8) not null, -- 메뉴 순서
menu_name varchar2(500) not null, -- 메뉴 명
menu_description varchar2(4000) null, -- 메뉴 설명
menu_url varchar2(4000) not null, -- 메뉴 URL
menu_yn varchar2(10) not null, -- 메뉴 사용 여부
constraint pk_qnamenu primary key(menu_id)
create table qnaboard (
bo_no number(8) not null,
bo_title VARCHAR2(300) not null,
bo_content VARCHAR2(4000) not null,
bo_writer VARCHAR2(150) not null,
bo_date date not null,
bo_hit number(8) DEFAULT 0 null,
menu_id varchar2(30) not null, -- 메뉴 ID
menu_lower varchar2(30) null, -- 하위 메뉴 ID
CONSTRAINT pk_qnaboard PRIMARY KEY(bo_no)
6. 채팅방 테이블
-- 채팅방 테이블
select 'private ' ||
decode(lower(data_type), 'number', 'int ', 'String ') ||
lower(column_name) || ';'
from cols
where lower(table_name) = 'chat';
-- 1. 채팅방
drop table chatroom;
drop sequence seq_chatroom;
create table chatroom (
room_no number not null, -- 채팅방 번호, 자동 증가
room_regdate date not null, -- 채팅방 생성시간
mg_no number not null, -- 동행 그룹 번호
constraint pk_chatroom primary key(room_no),
constraint fk_chatroom_mg_no foreign key(mg_no) references mategroup(mg_no)
create sequence seq_chatroom increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;
-- 2. 채팅
drop table chat;
drop sequence seq_chat;
create table chat (
chat_no number not null, -- 채팅 순번, 자동 증가
mem_id varchar2(100) not null, -- 멤버 테이블로부터 참조
room_no number not null, -- 채팅방 참가 테이블로부터 참조
chat_file varchar2(4000) null, -- 채팅방 파일
chat_content varchar2(4000) not null, -- 채팅내용
chat_ymd varchar2(500) not null, -- 채팅 년월일
chat_hms varchar2(500) not null, -- 채팅 시분초
chat_cnt varchar2(1000) not null, -- 채팅 카운트, 0: 입장/퇴장, 1: 채팅 시작, 1 이상: 계속해서 채팅함
constraint pk_chat primary key(chat_no),
constraint fk_chat_room_no foreign key(room_no) references chatroom(room_no)
create sequence seq_chat increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;
-- chat (chat_no, mem_id, room_no, chat_file, chat_content, chat_ymd, chat_hms, chat_cnt)
SELECT sub.*
, m.*
, cr.room_no
, cr.room_regdate
, c.chat_no
, c.chat_file
, c.chat_content
, c.chat_regdate
, c.chat_cnt
mategroup a,
mategroup_member b,
planer c
a.mg_no = b.mg_no
AND a.pl_no = c.pl_no
AND a.pl_no = 1294
) sub
, chatroom cr
, members m
, chat c
1 = 1
AND cr.mg_no = sub.mg_no
AND sub.mategroup_id = m.mem_id
and sub.mategroup_id = c.mem_id
AND sub.mategroup_apply = 'Y';
7. 채팅방 테스트 쿼리
-- 모집자 목록 들고오기
select d.*
, e.*
from (
select a.*
, b.mategroup_no
, b.mategroup_id
, b.mategroup_agree
, b.mategroup_apply
, c.pl_private
, c.pl_title
, c.pl_theme
, c.pl_thumburl
, c.pl_msize
, c.pl_rdate
from mategroup a
, mategroup_member b
, planer c
where 1=1
and a.mg_no = b.mg_no
and a.pl_no = c.pl_no
and a.pl_no = 1294
) d,
members e
where 1=1
and d.mategroup_id = e.mem_id
UPDATE mategroup_member m
SET m.mategroup_apply = 'W'
WHERE m.mg_no = (
SELECT a.mg_no
FROM mategroup a, planer c
WHERE a.mg_no = m.mg_no
AND a.pl_no = c.pl_no
AND a.pl_no = 1294
AND m.mategroup_id = 'user1';
8. 실시간 알림 테이블
-- 실시간 알림 테이블
drop table realtimealert;
drop sequence seq_realtimealert;
create table realtimealert(
real_no number not null, -- 실시간 알림 순번, 자동 증가
real_id varchar2(100) not null, -- 수신자 아이디
mem_id varchar2(100) not null, -- 발신자 아이디
mem_name varchar2(100) not null, -- 발신자 이름
real_title varchar2(4000) not null, -- 실시간 알림 제목
real_content varchar2(4000) not null, -- 실시간 알림 내용
real_type varchar2(100) not null, -- 정보(info), 주의(warn), 경고(dang)
real_readyn varchar2(1), -- 알림 읽음 여부
real_url varchar2(4000), -- 해당 페이지 url 경로
constraint pk_realtimealert primary key(real_no)
select count(*) from realtimealert where real_readyn = 'N' and real_id = 'a001'; -- 읽지 않은 갯수 카운트
-- 읽고 난 이후 real_readyn 컬럼을 y로 바꿀때 where 조건에 걸릴거? real_id를 조건으로 일괄 update
select count(*) from realtimealert where real_readyn = 'Y' and real_id = 'a001';; -- 읽지 않은 갯수 카운트
create sequence seq_realtimealert increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;
-- 발신자
drop table realtimesender;
drop sequence seq_realtimesender;
create table realtimesender (
realsen_no number not null, -- 실시간 알림 순번, 자동 증가
realsen_id varchar2(100) not null, -- 발신자 아이디(부모 테이블)
realsen_name varchar2(100) not null, -- 발신자 이름
realsen_title varchar2(4000) not null, -- 실시간 알림 제목
realsen_content varchar2(4000) not null, -- 실시간 알림 내용
realsen_type varchar2(100) not null, -- 정보(info), 주의(warn), 경고(dang)
realsen_url varchar2(4000), -- 해당 페이지 url 경로
constraint pk_realtimesender primary key(realsen_no)
create sequence seq_realtimesender increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;
select * from realtimesender order by realsen_no asc;
select count(*) from realtimesender order by realsen_no asc;
-- 수신자
drop table realtimereceiver;
drop sequence seq_realtimereceiver;
create table realtimereceiver(
realrec_no number not null, -- 실시간 알림 순번, 자동 증가
realrec_id varchar2(100) not null, -- 수신자 아이디
realsen_readyn varchar2(1), -- 알림 읽음 여부
realsen_no number not null, -- 발신자 로그 순번, 외래키
constraint pk_realtimereceiver primary key(realrec_no),
constraint fk_realtimereceiver_realsen_no foreign key(realsen_no) references realtimesender(realsen_no)
create sequence seq_realtimereceiver increment by 1 start with 1 nocache;
select * from realtimereceiver order by realrec_no asc;
select count(*) from realtimereceiver order by realrec_no asc;
'대덕인재개발원 > 대덕인재개발원_final project' 카테고리의 다른 글
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